My daughter loved planting the SIPs today. She really likes watering them and smelling the Miracle Grow organic fertilizer...?Me too, Kara! I like everything about planting, from the musky barnyard scent of the fertilizer to your perky little seedlings.
There's a back story here. Early in 2010, Debbie wrote us to offer seeds from her Franchi packets. She lives just outside the city and reads our blog. We'd never met, and we were struck by her generosity.
Some of the Franchi seeds
Debbie mailed.
Debbie mailed.
Drilling out SIPs
with Art
with Art
Debbie emailed us after she took the SIPs home and planted them with her daughter:
I am so excited that Kara is excited! Underlying all this is my desire for her to eat more veggies and to understand and respect how food is grown. Even a 9-year-old can do it.Exactly right. We think Debbie's a terrific mom and that her Little Green Girl is the future. And that Inside Urban Green has this one right: maybe Kara can take her SIP skills and share them with her classmates.
Won't it be fun to see how their gardens grow, in the ground and in the pickle buckets?
Way to go, Kara!
Send us more pix soon.

What an darling girl!...and a great way to start an interest in gardening.
Grow Sweetie Grow! Very good post- I enjoy reading about kids in the garden!
P.S. I notice Kara is using the square foot method... another smart garden method!
Hi gardeners! I enjoyed your comments about our SIPs. Remember I'm still a beginner just like some of you. I've been learning about gardening more and more each day.
Besides watermelons I am also growing sugar snap peas, carrots, and a pizza garden. It turns out we started our sugar snap peas a little too early. Better luck next time!
Tip: cayenne pepper and dog or human hair in nylon stockings seems to keep pests such as rabbits and squirrels away from eating valuable plants.
Thanks for the SIPs Green Roof Growers!
by/from Kara
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